68 typedef std::shared_ptr<Message>
std::shared_ptr< Animation > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Audio > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ChatBoostAdded > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Chat > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ChatShared > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Dice > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Document > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ExternalReplyInfo > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ForumTopicClosed > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ForumTopicCreated > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ForumTopicEdited > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ForumTopicReopened > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Game > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< GeneralForumTopicHidden > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< GeneralForumTopicUnhidden > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< GiveawayCompleted > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< GiveawayCreated > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Giveaway > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< GiveawayWinners > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< InlineKeyboardMarkup > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Invoice > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< LinkPreviewOptions > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Location > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged > Ptr
This object represents a message.
WebAppData::Ptr webAppData
Optional. Service message: data sent by a Web App.
TextQuote::Ptr quote
Optional. For replies that quote part of the original message, the quoted part of the message.
bool isTopicMessage
Optional. True, if the message is sent to a forum topic.
std::vector< MessageEntity::Ptr > captionEntities
Optional. For messages with a caption, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands,...
ForumTopicEdited::Ptr forumTopicEdited
Optional. Service message: forum topic edited.
User::Ptr leftChatMember
Optional. A member was removed from the group, information about them (this member may be the bot its...
LinkPreviewOptions::Ptr linkPreviewOptions
Optional. Options used for link preview generation for the message, if it is a text message and link ...
GeneralForumTopicHidden::Ptr generalForumTopicHidden
Optional. Service message: the 'General' forum topic hidden.
std::int64_t migrateToChatId
Optional. The group has been migrated to a supergroup with the specified identifier.
std::string caption
Optional. Caption for the animation, audio, document, photo, video or voice.
Message::Ptr replyToMessage
Optional. For replies in the same chat and message thread, the original message.
std::string newChatTitle
Optional. A chat title was changed to this value.
bool deleteChatPhoto
Optional. Service message: the chat photo was deleted.
Poll::Ptr poll
Optional. Message is a native poll, information about the poll.
PassportData::Ptr passportData
Optional. Telegram Passport data.
ForumTopicReopened::Ptr forumTopicReopened
Optional. Service message: forum topic reopened.
VideoNote::Ptr videoNote
Optional. Message is a video note, information about the video message.
std::shared_ptr< Message > Ptr
std::int32_t messageId
Unique message identifier inside this chat.
std::string mediaGroupId
Optional. The unique identifier of a media message group this message belongs to.
std::string connectedWebsite
Optional. The domain name of the website on which the user has logged in.
Voice::Ptr voice
Optional. Message is a voice message, information about the file.
Animation::Ptr animation
Optional. Message is an animation, information about the animation.
bool supergroupChatCreated
Optional. Service message: the supergroup has been created.
GiveawayWinners::Ptr giveawayWinners
Optional. A giveaway with public winners was completed.
std::int32_t senderBoostCount
Optional. If the sender of the message boosted the chat, the number of boosts added by the user.
Audio::Ptr audio
Optional. Message is an audio file, information about the file.
VideoChatParticipantsInvited::Ptr videoChatParticipantsInvited
Optional. Service message: new participants invited to a video chat.
bool channelChatCreated
Optional. Service message: the channel has been created.
std::vector< MessageEntity::Ptr > entities
Optional. For text messages, special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc....
bool groupChatCreated
Optional. Service message: the group has been created.
VideoChatStarted::Ptr videoChatStarted
Optional. Service message: video chat started.
Giveaway::Ptr giveaway
Optional. The message is a scheduled giveaway message.
std::string authorSignature
Optional. Signature of the post author for messages in channels, or the custom title of an anonymous ...
bool hasProtectedContent
Optional. True, if the message can't be forwarded.
GiveawayCompleted::Ptr giveawayCompleted
Optional. Service message: a giveaway without public winners was completed.
Game::Ptr game
Optional. Message is a game, information about the game.
UsersShared::Ptr usersShared
Optional. Service message: users were shared with the bot.
User::Ptr from
Optional. Sender of the message; empty for messages sent to channels.
std::vector< PhotoSize::Ptr > photo
Optional. Message is a photo, available sizes of the photo.
bool hasMediaSpoiler
Optional. True, if the message media is covered by a spoiler animation.
Chat::Ptr chat
Chat the message belongs to.
Story::Ptr story
Optional. Message is a forwarded story.
ChatShared::Ptr chatShared
Optional. Service message: a chat was shared with the bot.
std::int32_t messageThreadId
Optional. Unique identifier of a message thread to which the message belongs; for supergroups only.
std::int64_t migrateFromChatId
Optional. The supergroup has been migrated from a group with the specified identifier.
GiveawayCreated::Ptr giveawayCreated
Optional. Service message: a scheduled giveaway was created.
VideoChatEnded::Ptr videoChatEnded
Optional. Service message: video chat ended.
User::Ptr viaBot
Optional. Bot through which the message was sent.
MessageOrigin::Ptr forwardOrigin
Optional. Information about the original message for forwarded messages.
WriteAccessAllowed::Ptr writeAccessAllowed
Optional. Service message: the user allowed the bot to write messages after adding it to the attachme...
Story::Ptr replyToStory
Optional. For replies to a story, the original story.
std::vector< PhotoSize::Ptr > newChatPhoto
Optional. A chat photo was change to this value.
Message::Ptr pinnedMessage
Optional. Specified message was pinned.
Venue::Ptr venue
Optional. Message is a venue, information about the venue.
InlineKeyboardMarkup::Ptr replyMarkup
Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message.
SuccessfulPayment::Ptr successfulPayment
Optional. Message is a service message about a successful payment, information about the payment.
Document::Ptr document
Optional. Message is a general file, information about the file.
std::uint32_t editDate
Optional. Date the message was last edited in Unix time.
User::Ptr senderBusinessBot
Optional. The bot that actually sent the message on behalf of the business account.
bool isAutomaticForward
Optional. True, if the message is a channel post that was automatically forwarded to the connected di...
Sticker::Ptr sticker
Optional. Message is a sticker, information about the sticker.
std::vector< User::Ptr > newChatMembers
Optional. New members that were added to the group or supergroup and information about them (the bot ...
ChatBoostAdded::Ptr boostAdded
Optional. Service message: user boosted the chat.
Chat::Ptr senderChat
Optional. Sender of the message, sent on behalf of a chat.
ProximityAlertTriggered::Ptr proximityAlertTriggered
Optional. Service message.
Dice::Ptr dice
Optional. Message is a dice with random value.
Video::Ptr video
Optional. Message is a video, information about the video.
bool isFromOffline
Optional. True, if the message was sent by an implicit action, for example, as an away or a greeting ...
std::uint32_t date
Date the message was sent in Unix time.
VideoChatScheduled::Ptr videoChatScheduled
Optional. Service message: video chat scheduled.
std::string businessConnectionId
Optional. Unique identifier of the business connection from which the message was received.
GeneralForumTopicUnhidden::Ptr generalForumTopicUnhidden
Optional. Service message: the 'General' forum topic unhidden.
Contact::Ptr contact
Optional. Message is a shared contact, information about the contact.
Invoice::Ptr invoice
Optional. Message is an invoice for a payment, information about the invoice.
ForumTopicCreated::Ptr forumTopicCreated
Optional. Service message: forum topic created.
ExternalReplyInfo::Ptr externalReply
Optional. Information about the message that is being replied to, which may come from another chat or...
MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged::Ptr messageAutoDeleteTimerChanged
Optional. Service message: auto-delete timer settings changed in the chat.
std::string text
Optional. For text messages, the actual UTF-8 text of the message.
Location::Ptr location
Optional. Message is a shared location, information about the location.
ForumTopicClosed::Ptr forumTopicClosed
Optional. Service message: forum topic closed.
std::shared_ptr< MessageOrigin > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< PassportData > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Poll > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< ProximityAlertTriggered > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Sticker > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Story > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< SuccessfulPayment > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< TextQuote > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< User > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< UsersShared > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Venue > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< VideoChatEnded > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< VideoChatParticipantsInvited > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< VideoChatScheduled > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< VideoChatStarted > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Video > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< VideoNote > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< Voice > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< WebAppData > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< WriteAccessAllowed > Ptr